We think our chances of love are over after that divorce or heart-wrenching breakup, but it's just the beginning. We're chatting with Laura & Heather to hear how their love stories continue only to get better – and how their views on dating, relationships, and marriage have changed drastically from all they've learned.
New Episodes are released every Wednesday!
Ever wonder what your ex would say if someone were to ask them about your relationship? We're talking about why feedback from the past can help us move forward
We're chatting with Jonah & Paola about how their relationship has progressed over the last year from casual to committed
We're chatting with Kat about her experience dating (and finding love!) in Brazil and Andy, who has been living (and dating) in Sweden & Germany as ex-pats from the US. nd then we'll hear from Ai about the culture shock she experienced when dating in the US coming from Japan.
So is the reason our love lives are so f#*ked because of our...childhood? We're unpacking our childhood wounds with marriage and family therapist Vienna Pharaon.
We're chatting with author Gabrielle Stone about her eat, pray, #fml solo travel experience that set her on a new path to finding love – with herself.
We're chatting with Ben about how his lack of dating and sexual experience has caused him to identify as undateable – and how he's letting his past get in the way of his future.
We're diving in with Ebele Onyema from the OneLove Foundation about signs of unhealthy behaviors in relationships and how they can show up subtly in early dating.
We’re diving into science-based strategies to keep your sanity while looking for a soulmate with Dr. Jenny Taitz, Psyd.
We're here today to unpack what's really behind the rise of lonely, single men with Dr. Greg Matos, the author of the viral article
Our guests range in terms of everyday daters to renowned dating experts. We also strive for diversity in topics, ethnicity/race, gender, sexual orientation, age, location, and point of view. Here are a few of our notable guests: